This Spring & Fall Do Not Forget To Go Through an HVAC Checklist
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This Spring and Fall Do Not Forget to Go Through an HVAC Checklist

Published by Steven Weiland

This Spring and Fall Do Not Forget to Go Through an HVAC Checklist
What is HVAC?

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning is what HVAC stands for, but for many it means comfort and convenience. We have Franz San Galli to thank for our modern heating systems, which are only possible today due to his invention of the radiator in the 1850s. Since that time, of course, central heating has grown far more complex than just radiators.

Did you know that if you have an HVAC system in place that you are unfamiliar with, then you should be performing a maintenance checklist on it whenever the season changes? In 2009 it was estimated that four million air conditioners were going to fail in the summer months. Window unit air conditioners have been around since 1932 and although they are more affordable today than they were when they debuted, they can still be pricey. The last thing you will want to do this summer is replace your air conditioner because no HVAC maintenance was ever performed on it.

Companies rely on the failure of consumers to properly maintain their equipment. In 2011, air conditioner sales were up 13 percent worldwide. Heating and cooling repair companies may be able to help you prevent the breakdown or failure of equipment, but you generally have to ask for the service. and it is helpful to be knowledgeable beforehand about what should be checked.

Check with your local heating and cooling companies to find a maintenance or repairman who can look at your HVAC system and tighten electrical connections, lubricate moving parts, check thermostat settings, check system controls, inspect the condensate drain, clean the coils, and check the refrigerant levels. This is not a comprehensive list, but it should give you an idea of the work that should be done regularly.

In the Depression Era, movie theaters provided air conditioning despite how its high cost, because it brought in customers. Today, you can avoid needing to spend all day at the theater because your air conditioning system broke down, if you just have maintenance performed on your system seasonally. What is HVAC if it breaks down? Then it is a great HVAC training exercise for any HVAC contractor, and it is a big bill for you. Make sure to perform maintenance when the seasons change and your heating and cooling system will continue to provide you comfort and convenience.

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