Tips for Summer Energy Savings - Keep Your Home Cool Naturally
2 minutes read

Tips for Summer Energy Savings

Published by Steven Weiland

Today’s warm and beautiful weather is a sign of air conditioned days ahead! Before running to your thermostat, however, consider trying these energy-saving (and therefore money-saving!) tips to keep your home cool naturally:

  1. Upgrade to a programmable thermostat – and use it properly! This can save you up to 30% or more in annual costs.
  2.  Keep shades and curtains lowered and closed on exceptionally hot and sunny days, especially on windows that face south. You will notice a drop in heat pretty quickly.
  3. Save up to 10% on your monthly bill by lowering the thermostat by 8 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours each day.
  4. Change your air conditioning filters every six months, or as recommended by the manufacturer. This will reduce the strain on your HVAC system, making it work more efficiently.

With the heat and humidity of summer also comes strong storms, that can cause a power outage. Keep the following on hand in case the power goes out:

  • Candles and matches
  • Batteries
  • Food and water to last 72 hours
  • Flashlight
  • Battery-powered radio

When you hear that an outage may happen, load up ice and as much food from your refrigerator and freezer as you can into a cooler. Consume these items in order of their expiration date to avoid waste.


Courtesy of AmbitEnergy

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